Thursday, September 4, 2014

Real Happiness

"Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation" by Sharon Salzberg

You can say that I am on meditation streak right now! Some how or other one book is leading to another one so the last couple of books I have read were the suggestions by Dan Harris in his book "10% happier". It is interesting because I am usually not thinking of meditation from a Buddhist style. Growing up in a Hindu household and listening to many swamis and gurus about mediation, I have a certain image of what it is and what should be done. Granted a lot of it is confusing because there are many ways to achieve the same goal.

In any case, "Real Happiness" is really a very nice book for novice as well as people who have tried meditating earlier and have either given up or are confused about different obstacles that come along the way. Salzberg has explained meditation really well for a lay person, holding hands and taking you along. I felt like I learned a lot from reading this book even though I have always felt that I know enough about meditation. All I need to do is try with a disciplined approach. This book along with the other two that I read earlier (read my previous blog entries), has, for now, given me the push I needed to start my own practice. Let us hope it continues.

"Happiness is available....please help yourself" (The last line in the book which is actually a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Success through Stilness

"Success Through Stillness: Meditation made simple" by Russell Simmons with Charles Morrow is a great book if you are totally new to meditation. Russell does a wonderful job convincing the reader to do meditation but for some one like me who does not need any convincing the book falls short of details. I must say that it is a great and easy read for anyone who is considering meditation or has very little idea as to what is involved. I also liked that he gave good sense of what to expect and the benefits that one can derive from it. 

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to consider incorporating mediation in their daily lives. Russell can make you put that into action by his very convincing and simple words. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

10% Happier By Dan Harris

I am half way through this book and though I will hold my judgement till I am finished, I am learning a lot already. It is funny because I picked up this book thinking it is about meditation - and I am sure he is getting there - but in the meantime he is helping me learn about all the so-called Gurus of the "positive thinking" world. Ekhart Tolle of the Power of Now and The New Earth (sounds like he is for real), Deepak Chopra (not sure), and Dr Vitale of The Secret (who comes across as all fluff) so far. Let us see where he is taking me as I continue reading.

Finally Dan finds mediation - Buddhist style. I always feel that this is a personal journey for all of us and eventually we find what we are looking for but it takes many trials before that happens.

I like Dan's style which is humorous, somewhat cynical with healthy doze of of genuine interest, and personal. I also like how he distills truth from fluff. I think the reporter in him is helping him distill. Reading this book makes me understand and appreciate why I need to put more discipline into my own search.

Thanks Dan!

Some more links about the book:

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The True American

"The True American: Murder and Mercy in Texas" by Anand Girdhardas

Enjoyed reading this wonderful true-life story of a hate-crime victim and a murderer. The book opened my eyes to the poverty ridden underbelly of Texas that breeds hate and racism, the immigrant struggle and the strength of a loving and nurturing family environment.
Also it shows how love can conquer hate - even in the most unlikely situations.

This book makes a great selection for any book club, offering many topics for discussion. Who is a true American? What is the role of the American legal system? Is capital punishment the answer?  These are just a few of many questions that this book raises.

Enjoy this book and come to your own conclusions.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Let us discuss books

Every one who knows me, knows how much I love books. I have always been an avid reader. But more than reading I love to share what I have read. Somehow to me, the act of reading is not complete until I have shared, discussed, and dissected the ideas presented in any book I read. Thanks to the technology, now I am able to share my comments and create a dialog with all of you via this blog so here it is. I will try to discuss the books that I read here and would love to hear back from you as to what you think.

So let us begin the journey!