Monday, August 11, 2014

10% Happier By Dan Harris

I am half way through this book and though I will hold my judgement till I am finished, I am learning a lot already. It is funny because I picked up this book thinking it is about meditation - and I am sure he is getting there - but in the meantime he is helping me learn about all the so-called Gurus of the "positive thinking" world. Ekhart Tolle of the Power of Now and The New Earth (sounds like he is for real), Deepak Chopra (not sure), and Dr Vitale of The Secret (who comes across as all fluff) so far. Let us see where he is taking me as I continue reading.

Finally Dan finds mediation - Buddhist style. I always feel that this is a personal journey for all of us and eventually we find what we are looking for but it takes many trials before that happens.

I like Dan's style which is humorous, somewhat cynical with healthy doze of of genuine interest, and personal. I also like how he distills truth from fluff. I think the reporter in him is helping him distill. Reading this book makes me understand and appreciate why I need to put more discipline into my own search.

Thanks Dan!

Some more links about the book:

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