Monday, November 23, 2015

Billionaire's Apprentice

By Anita Raghvan

This is a good documentation of the insider trading in late nineties and early 2000's where Rajat Gupta, Raj Rajratnam and Anil Kumar were involved. It is interesting from many angles, it is about the rise of Indians in America, it is about how India was when the first generation migrated to the US, it is also about the rise (and fall) of the wall street and how it was played by many. If you are interested in Indians, in finance, and how a crime like insider trading is investigated, this book is for you. It has the human side with its generous spirit and greed, about families, love, and loss. Though it is written in neutral tone, you can not help but feel warm towards people like Rajat Gupta and wonder how even a grown man can be influenced by strong peers, inner insecurities despite worldly success, and slippery slope of the world of finance.  

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